Thursday, 2 January 2014

Here comes the sun (briefly)

Apart from a plaintive call from my f-i-l just as I was going to bed (he quickly settled back down), another quiet night.

He was much steadier on his legs this morning although his eyes were still gummy so I made an appointment to see a GP.

TS, the relief carer, arranged through Country Cousins, arrived at mid-day.  Very competent, even to the extent of remembering f-i-l's peculiarities having not seen him for over 7 months.

Text from our good friend B saying that her husband A has been admitted to St. Bart's as he's very confused and doesn't remember her name.  Probably a result of the morphine he's taking for cancer pain relief.  Let's hope they can sort it out.

The weather was a big change from yesterday, brilliant blue sky for most of it,with rain returning about 4, just as T & I were going back to pick up my f-i-l to take him to the doctor.  Turns out he has conjunctivitis for which he's had some eye ointment prescribed.  Took him back and tried a quick sketch while the two Ts were making sure all was in order.

Phoned my dad who didn't sound in a very good state saying the he was going to have to go to hospital but couldn't say why. It happened that one of his regular carers phoned to explain that she had found him unable to move and quite disorientated and had suggested that he might have to go back to hospital.  Not sure what the underlying problem is. She'll call an ambulance tomorrow if the situation hasn't improved.  Spoke with my brother to let him know what was happening.  He's going to go up to see him.

Caught up with the latest episode of the Christmas University Challenge and took a few minutes for another sketch.
Towards the dining room

As I was finishing it I realised that I'd put one of the chair legs in the wrong place!  So much for initial observation.

More rain forecast for tomorrow!

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