Saturday, 14 December 2013

Round in the sun; Uplifting singing

Well, the golf didn't go quite to plan.  It was very cold and blustery this morning to start although the sun was shining and it did eventually become a bit warmer.  18 Stableford points on the front 9 and only 13 on the back 9 - total 31 which is effectively 5 over handicap, although only one behind the group winner CJ with 32.  Still, it's set a marker and has given me some areas on which to concentrate - driving and long irons need the most work at the moment.

After a bite to eat and a belated birthday drink in the clubhouse with the others, a quick dash back home, before heading up to St. Mary's for the 'Bring and Sing' Messiah.

There were about 30 singers waiting in the church.  I'm not sure if that was as many as had been expected.  It was led by Ben Goodson, conductor of the Lea Singers amongst other choirs.  What a refreshing change to have a conductor with such enthusiasm and drive.  I now understand what correct use of the 'soft palate' can do for the quality of the voice and understand a little better the concept of using the diaphragm to support the voice.

We didn't run through as many choruses as we'd been led to believe we were doing, although I think we probably learnt more as a result.

Mid-way through we had a break.  I'd forgotten to take my sketch book so this is a quick 5-minute drawing from a hastily taken photo!

Then back to more practising before a complete run through of 6 choruses before a small audience of about 20.

Off north tomorrow.  Hope I can get a decent internet link to be able to keep the blog going.

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