Monday, 23 December 2013

There's a storm comin' in

Another quiet night on the f-i-l front.  Marvellous what the right medication can do for one's well-being.

Slightly different pattern to the routine this morning although it helps to go with the flow.

T arrived at 11.30 a.m. to take over.  I took my clobber back home and then went to the golf club.  We have an issue with the honours boards.  Many are becoming full and therefore have no space for future winners of the various trophies.  I met with RM, the Property Director to review the current state of play and discuss options for the future.  Looks like we will probably need 5 new boards and a reshuffle of some of the existing ones around the building. The big question is, do we keep the traditional style or go modern?

The weather started to deteriorate and we've had almost constant rain this afternoon and evening.  Not good for the lawn.  The wind started to pick up as well and it blew one of the trellis pieces of the garage.  Might have to brave the elements and try and put it back up.

Slightly strange phone conversation with my dad who mentioned tall languages people trying to commit him.  Fortunately brother J is with him.

Out to a concert by the Lea Singers tonight at Harpenden Public Halls.  Quite a lot of standing water on the roads although it stopped raining on the way there.  A mix of choir and audience carols, some supported by a brass quintet which also had a couple of instrumental slots.  Mince pie and mulled wine in the interval!

Back home, caught up with the quarter and semi final programmes of Sing While You Work.  T groomed Barnaby, the remaining guinea pig and I tried a sketch.
T grooming Barnaby (out of sight!)

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